Hanging Odes and Arabic Calligraphy: Investigating the Personal
Trevor Wallace
July 2023
1. Reverance for Words Lesson Plan_twallace_0.pdf
3. Reverence for Words Handout_twallace_1.pdf
4. A Reverance for Words Rubric_twallace_1.pdf
Art and Music , Visual Arts , Culture and Gender
Elementary (K-5), Middle School (6-8)
General Middle East
Culture and Gender, Art and Music
House of Wisdom and Folio Creation
Daniela Jimenez Gabb
July 2023
1. Lesson Plan pdf.pdf
Geography , Visual Arts , Research/Writing , Religions
Middle School (6-8)
General Middle East
Geography, History, Research/Writing, Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math , Art and Music
Housing at Home and in Morocco
Rose Potter
July 2023
Lesson Plan pdf.pdf
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions) , Architecture , Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math , Culture and Gender , Morocco
Middle School (6-8)
Geography, Culture and Gender
How History Shaped Literature and Literature Changed History: Serbs and the 1389 Battle of Kosovo
Lisa Adeli
July 2023
1. Title Page_4.pdf
2. Assignment Description %28for teachers%29_2.pdf
3. Assignment Sheet %28for students%29_1.pdf
4. Who Are We_1.pdf
5. Heroes of Serbia_0.pdf
6. Questions and Answers_1.pdf
7. Background - Sarajevo 1914_1.pdf
8. Background - Kosovo 1990s_1.pdf
9. List of Scenarios.doc
10. Suggested Websites_2.pdf
11. Task Sheet.doc
Balkans , History , Literature , World War I
High School (9-12), College/Adult
Geography, History, Literature
How Women from the Middle East and Latin America Are Portrayed by the Mass Media
July 2023
1. Instruction packet for students.pdf
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions)
General Middle East
Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
Importance of Cyprus During the Crusades
Jeremy Church
July 2023
Importance of Cyprus during the Crusades. grade 9 and 10 World History.Church_1.pdf
Cyprus , History , Geography , Research/Writing
High School (9-12)
Geography, History
In Search of Aphrodite’s Rock
Heather Kiser
July 2023
Lesson Procedures_1.pdf
Story Pictures_0.pdf
Answers for Hala Sultan Tekke_0.pdf
Answers for Hala Sultan Tekke_1.pdf
Answers for St. Hilarion_0.pdf
Answers for the Story of Salamis_0.pdf
Answers for the Story of Pygmalion and Galatea_0.pdf
Answers for the Story of Pyramus and Thisbe_0.pdf
Answers for the Story of Pyramus and Thisbe_1.pdf
Answers for the Story of St Catherine_0.pdf
Answers for the Story of St. Nicholas_0.pdf
Cyprus Map Key_0.pdf
Cyprus Map_0.pdf
Cyprus , Ancient History , Geography , Research/Writing
High School (9-12)
Geography, History , Literature
Independence and National Identity in Post-Soviet Central Asia
Monica Ketchum
July 2023
Lesson description and assignment sheet_0.pdf
Central Asia , Soviet Union , History , Geography , Current Events/Politics
Central Asia
Geography, History, Current Events/Politics
Indian Ocean Trade Simulation
Rob Hallock, Chris O’Brien
July 2023
Indian Ocean Trade Simulation Lesson Revised 2022.docx
2. Powerpoint Directions for Simulation_0.pdf
Explaining slavery in the Indian Ocean.pdf
Oman/Indian Ocean , History , Economics , Religions , Economics
High School (9-12)
Oman/Indian Ocean
Geography, History, Culture and Gender, Economics
Indian Ocean Trade Webquest
Nikole Brasch
July 2023
Indian Ocean Trade.pdf
Oman/Indian Ocean , History , Economics , Geography
High School (9-12)
Oman/Indian Ocean
Geography, History, Culture and Gender, Economics
Indigo in the Modern Arab World
Victoria Vicente
July 2023
Indigo Lesson V.Vicente_1.pdf
Oman/Indian Ocean , Culture and Gender , Visual Arts , Geography
Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Oman/Indian Ocean
Geography, Culture and Gender, Art and Music
International Holiday Unit
Amanda Tanbal
July 2023
Lesson Plan_6.pdf
Religions , Culture and Gender
Elementary (K-5)
Religions, General Middle East
Culture and Gender, Art and Music
Introduction to Islam
Roxanne Taylor and Jayme Taylor
July 2023
Roxanne Taylor - lesson plan_0.pdf
Islam , Literature
Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Religions, General Middle East
History, Literature
Introduction to Moroccan Storytelling and Culture (for French classes)
Jessica Setzer
July 2023
Setzer Morocco lesson plan_0.pdf
Introduction to Morocco %28in French%29_0.pdf
Keeping Storytelling Alive_0.pdf
Foreign Language , Culture and Gender , Literature , Geography
High School (9-12), College/Adult
Geography, Culture and Gender, Foreign Language
Iran, Iraq - What's the Difference?
Lisa Adeli
July 2023
1. overview of the lesson_1.pdf
2. country 1 slides_0.pdf
3. country 2 slides_0.pdf
4a. Powerpoint - main presentation_0.pdf
4b. Notes - main presentation_0.pdf
Geography , Religions , Culture and Gender , History
Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12), College/Adult
General Middle East, Iran, Iraq
Geography, History, Culture and Gender
Iranian Women DBQ
Lisa Adeli
July 2023
1. Assignment Description %28for teachers%29_20.pdf
2. Overview of Modern Iran.pdf
3a-1. Newspaper articles .pdf
3a-2. Tobacco Boycott.pdf
3a-3. Constitutional Revolution.pdf
3b-1. Unveiling.pdf
3b-2. Women%27s Dress.pdf
3b-3. Education.pdf
3b-4. Advances.pdf
3c-1. Restrictions.pdf
3c-2. Photos.pdf
3c-3. Advances.pdf
4. Questions - writing prompts%2C discussion questions.pdf
Culture and Gender , History , Research/Writing
High School (9-12)
Research/Writing, Culture and Gender
Dara Weller
July 2023
Religions , Islam , History
High School (9-12)
Religions, General Middle East
Geography, History, Culture and Gender
Islam Fact and Fiction: Overcoming Stereotypes
Saviz Safizadeh
July 2023
lesson - Islam-Fact and Fiction_0.pdf
Islam , Current Events/Politics , Globalization
High School (9-12)
Geography, Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
Islamic Influences in the Renaissance
Rudy Navarro
July 2023
1. Unit Plan.pdf
2. Outline - lecture 1.pdf
3. Outline - lecture 2.pdf
4. Outline - lecture 3.pdf
5. Bibliography.pdf
Islam , History , Culture and Gender , Art and Music
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions)
Culture and Gender, Art and Music , Geography, History
Islamic Women
Chris O'Brien
July 2023
1. Islamic Women_0.pdf
2. Islamic Women_0.pdf
Culture and Gender , Islam , Literature , History
High School (9-12), College/Adult
Religions, General Middle East
Geography, History, Culture and Gender
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Lesson in Perspective
MaryLynne Fillmon
July 2023
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict A Lesson in Perspective_0.pdf
History , Israel/Palestine , Current Events/Politics
High School (9-12)
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions), Israel/Palestine
Geography, History, Current Events/Politics
Iznik Tile Design
Michelle Molnar
July 2023
titlepageIznik Tile Design.pdf
Iznik Tile Lesson Plan_0.pdf
History - Art History Turkey_0.pdf
Iznik design photos_0.pdf
Iznik photos_0.pdf
Culture and Gender , Art and Music , Food , History
High School (9-12)
Ottoman Empire/Turkey
Culture and Gender, Art and Music
Jews on the Move: Migration of Moroccan Jews
Teresa Seabolt
July 2023
1. Jews on the Move Migration of Moroccan Jews.pdf
2. Powerpoint.pdf
Culture and Gender , Art and Music , Immigration , History , Religions
High School (9-12)
Geography, History, Culture and Gender, Foreign Language
Jordan - Sustainable Development Goals
Dina DiSantis
July 2023
Lesson Plan .pdf
Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math , Current Events/Politics , Economics
High School (9-12)
Current Events/Politics, Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math, Economics
Jordan and Alaska: Cuisine, Culture, and Environment
Laurie Hueffer
July 2023
Hueffer_FHGPA_Jordan_Curriculum Project.docx.pdf
Jordan , Food , Culture and Gender , Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions)
Elementary (K-5)
Jordan , Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions)
Geography, Culture and Gender, Foreign Language
Jordan's Water Crisis FHGPA Curriculum Unit
Eric Wolford
July 2023
Jordan's Water Crisis Eric Wolford.pdf
Jordan An Abbreviated History Notes.pdf
Jordan's History and Water Usage Quiz.pdf
Jordan's Water CrisisPt 1 Eric Wolford.pptx
Jordan's Water CrisisPt 2 Eric Wolford.pptx
Jordan An Abbreviated History Pt 1 Eric Wolford.pptx
Jordan An Abbreviated History Pt 2 Eric Wolford.pptx
Jordan's Water Usage Wolford.pdf
Jordan , Ancient History , History , Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math , Geography
Middle School (6-8)
Current Events/Politics, Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math , Geography, History, Current Events/Politics
Kanga As Communication
Katharine Mitchell
July 2023
Mitchell - KangaAsCommunication_0.pdf
Culture and Gender , Visual Arts , Literature
Middle School (6-8)
Oman/Indian Ocean
Geography, Literature, Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
Kazakh Music
Cara Schreffler
July 2023
Kazakh Music-Kozimnin Karasireducedsize.pdf
Kozimnin Karasi - Full Scorereducedsize.pdf
Art and Music , History , Visual Arts , Geography
High School (9-12)
Central Asia
Geography, Culture and Gender, Art and Music
Kite Project (Creative Response to Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner
Farhana Hoque
July 2023
TKR Kite Project_NEH_1.pdf
Literature , Visual Arts , Afghanistan
High School (9-12)
Literature, Culture and Gender
Kite Runner, Culture, and U.N. Goals
Emily Robinson
July 2023
lesson plan intro.pdf
Literature , Culture and Gender , History , Current Events/Politics
High School (9-12)
Geography, Literature, Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
Kurds: A People without a Country
Lisa Adeli
July 2023
1. Assignment Description %28for teachers%29_9.pdf
2. The Kurds_0.pdf
3a. Presentation notes_0.pdf
3b. Presentation on Kurds_0.pdf
4. Topics for Research_0.pdf
5. Research Guide_0.pdf
6. Pros and Cons sheet_0.pdf
History , Geography , World War I , Current Events/Politics
High School (9-12), College/Adult
General Middle East
Geography, History, Current Events/Politics
Language-Cultural Change in Kazakhstan
Rebecca Orozco
July 2023
Language part 1.pdf
Language part 2.pdf
Foreign Language , Fulbright Hays Persianate Central Asia , Geography , History , Culture and Gender
Central Asia
Geography, Culture and Gender, Foreign Language
Learning Arabic with Media
Manal Tafish
July 2023
Learning Arabic with Media.pdf
Arabic , Culture and Gender , Visual Arts
Elementary (K-5), Middle School (6-8)
General Middle East
Foreign Language
Lesson on Islam
Pren Woods
July 2023
lesson islam.pdf
Religions , Geography , Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions) , Culture and Gender
Middle School (6-8)
Culture and Gender
Librarian of Basra
Shari Lossou-Lossavi
July 2023
The Librarian of Basra_0.pdf
History , Literature , Geography , Culture and Gender
Elementary (K-5)
History, Literature
Life and Death in Different Religions
Dawn Shum
July 2023
Lesson Plan_12.pdf
PowerPoint 1 - Islam.pdf
PowerPoint 2 - Islam Judaism Christianity.pdf
Religions , Culture and Gender , Current Events/Politics
High School (9-12)
Culture and Gender
Life in the Borderlands: Morocco and Spain Inquiry
Mariah Pol
July 2023
Lesson plan_3.pdf
History , Geography , Religions
Middle School (6-8)
Geography, History
Linguistic and Cultural Internactions on the Swahili Coast
Nikole Brasch and Nicole Means
July 2023
Geography , History , Foreign Language
High School (9-12)
Oman/Indian Ocean
Geography, History, Culture and Gender, Foreign Language
Linguistic Influences on Spanish
Jessamyn Snider
July 2023
1a. unit plan influences on Spanish - English_0.pdf
1b. unit plan influences on Spanish - Spanish_0.pdf
2a. Arabic influences on Spanish - English_0.pdf
2b. Arabic influences on Spanish - Spanish_0.pdf
3a. Nahuatl influences on Spanish - English_0.pdf
3b. Nahuatl influences on Spanish - Spanish_0.pdf
4. sort arabic nahuatl_0.pdf
5. conclusions.pdf
Foreign Language , Culture and Gender , History
High School (9-12), College/Adult
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions)
Culture and Gender, Foreign Language
Little Black Fish: A Persian Story
Lisa Adeli
July 2023
a. Assignment Description for Teachers_0.pdf
b. Pre-reading Assignment_0.pdf
c. Introducing the Reading_0.pdf
d. Powerpoint_0.pdf
e. The Little Black Fish - story_0.pdf
f. Reading Comprehension Questions_0.pdf
g1. Assignment - Option 1 %28Booklet%29_0.pdf
g2. Assignment - Option 2 %28Performance%29_0.pdf
g3. Assignment - Option 3 %28Creative Writing%29_0.pdf
Literature , Geography , Culture and Gender , Visual Arts
Middle School (6-8)
Literature, Culture and Gender
Mapping the Spread of Ideas and Culture of Morocco
Deanna Jones
July 2023
Lesson plan_2.pdf
Geography , History , Islam , Culture and Gender
Middle School (6-8)
Geography, History, Culture and Gender
Maslow's Hierarcy of Human Needs and Naguib Mahfouz's Midaq Alley
Omar Hakim
July 2023
1. About the Lesson_1.pdf
2. PowerPoint_1.pdf
Literature , Culture and Gender , Current Events/Politics
Measuring the Travels of Two Adventurers: Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta
Cheryl Wiens
July 2023
Wiens.Measuring the Travels.2006_0.PDF
Wiens.Measuring the Travels.Front Matter_0.PDF
Geography , Literature , History
Middle School (6-8)
General Middle East
Geography, History
Medieval Muslim Scientists - 1-day activity
Lisa Adeli
July 2023
1. Assignment Description %28for teachers%29_23.pdf
2. Role Sheets.pdf
3. chart.pdf
History , Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math
High School (9-12)
General Middle East
Geography, History, Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math
Medieval Spain: Meeting Place of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Culture
Lisa Adeli
July 2023
1. Assignment Description %28for teachers%29_11.pdf
2a. Powerpoint%2C Part 1_0.pdf
2b. Powerpoint%2C Part 2_0.pdf
2c. Notes to powerpoint_0.pdf
3a. people or inventions to research_0.pdf
3b. master list of research topics_0.pdf
4. Preparing Your Information Card_0.pdf
5. chart_0.pdf
6. Project Guidelines for Students_1.pdf
Culture and Gender , Religions , Geography , History
Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions) , Morocco
Geography, History, Culture and Gender
Mesopotamian Civilization
Marie Sarnacki
July 2023
Lesson Plan_7.pdf
Ancient History , Geography
High School (9-12)
Geography, History
Mesopotamian Museum Project
Daniella Garran
July 2023
lesson plan_1.pdf
Ancient History , Current Events/Politics , Research/Writing , Art and Music
Middle School (6-8)
Geography, Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
Middle East and North Africa
Debra Ballweg
July 2023
1. Title page and description.pdf
2. Map activity.pdf
3. Moslem Federation - Newspaper Article.pdf
4. Middle East Blog assignment sheet.pdf
5. Religion VoiceThread %282012%29.pdf
Geography , World War I , History
High School (9-12)
Religions, General Middle East
Geography, History, Culture and Gender
Middle East Debates
Chris Sperry
July 2023
1. Lesson Plan_15.pdf
2. Intro To Parents_0.pdf
3. Video Clip_0.pdf
4. Roles_0.pdf
5. Lesson Plan Details_0.pdf
6. News Quiz Model_0.pdf
7. News Quiz Guidelines_0.pdf
8. Delicious_0.pdf
9. Literature Choices_0.pdf
10. Outline Model_0.pdf
11. Outline Model Human Rights_0.pdf
12. Point Of View Writing_0.pdf
13. Research Update_0.pdf
14. Debate Protocal_0.pdf
15. Speech Prep_0.pdf
16. Moderator Script_0.pdf
17. Invite To Parents_0.pdf
18. Press Release For TV_0.pdf
19. SelfEvaluation_0.pdf
20. Student Comments_0.pdf
Current Events/Politics , Globalization , Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions) , History , Geography
General Middle East
Geography, History, Current Events/Politics
Middle East Literature course - syllabus
Aaron Laduke
July 2023
Eng 242 ME Lit 2020.pdf
Middle Eastern Lit Resources NEH 2019.pdf
Literature , Culture and Gender , Current Events/Politics
General Middle East
Geography, Literature, Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender