Bringing Bosnia Back
Suzanne Vogt
July 2023
1. Lesson Plan_12.pdf
2. Bringing Bosnia Back powerpoint.pdf
3. Bosnia DBQ.pdf
4. DBQ Document Analysis.pdf
High School (9-12)
Building Traditional Connections: Uzbekistan and New Mexico Through Cooking
Renee Moody
July 2023
intro to russian.pdf
lesson plan tandoori and a horno.pdf
folk tales unit english 4.pdf
High School (9-12)
Culture and Gender
Central Asia
Camp Experience in Literature
Heather Christiansen
July 2023
camp experience.docx
High School (9-12)
History, Literature, Current Events/Politics
Holocaust, Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions)
Cemetery Celebrations
Jennifer Metzler
July 2023
1. Lesson Plan_10.pdf
2. Tomb Traditions in Oman Powerpoint_1.pdf
3. Venn diagram_0.pdf
4. Graphic Organizer_1.pdf
Elementary (K-5)
Culture and Gender
Oman/Indian Ocean
Ceuta & Melilla: An African Gateway to Europe - AP Human Geography
Sara Damon
July 2023
1. Ceuta and Melilla An African Gateway to Europe_0.pdf
2. lesson plan website.pdf
3. predictions worksheet.pdf
4. venn diagram.pdf
5. WhatsApp assignment.pdf
High School (9-12)
Children's Life in Armenia
Lisa Adeli
July 2023
Presentation Notes_2.pdf
Armenia presentation.ppt_.pdf
Elementary (K-5)
Geography, Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
Civics in Jordan and the US
Marri Brooks
July 2023
Brooks, Global Comparison Lesson Plan.pdf
High School (9-12)
Current Events/Politics
Clarinet and Music Education as Vehicles for Social Change in the Middle East
Jeremy Ruth
July 2023
Clarinet and Music Education as a Vehicle for Social Change in the Middle East.pdf
Art and Music
Coffeehouse Conversations: Politics, Intrigue, Exploration (Activism) and Espresso
Deb Holland, Will Daniel, and Sandra Makielski
July 2023
1. lesson plan_0.pdf
2. Coffeehouse roles.pdf
3. Imperial Decree on Coffee%21.pdf
4. Coffee Lesson Student Handouts %281%29.pdf
Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Geography, History, Culture and Gender, Economics
General Middle East, Ottoman Empire/Turkey
Compare and Contrast the Empires: Rome, China, and the Ottoman Empire
Brian Croone
July 2023
High School (9-12)
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions)
Comparing rights found in the United States Constitution and Moroccan Constitution
Don Jenkins
July 2023
Morocco Lesson Plan_ Comparing Rights.pdf
Middle School (6-8)
History, Current Events/Politics
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions)
Conflict Resolution Mini Unit - Case Study-Cyprus
Jennifer Turner
July 2023
Conflict Resolution Mini Unit.High School. Turner_1.pdf
High School (9-12), College/Adult
History, Current Events/Politics
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions), Cyprus
Constitutional Documents as Mirrors-Windows of Moroccan and American Identities
John Baldridge
July 2023
High School (9-12)
Current Events/Politics
Contagion, Quarantines, and Cures in History: Case Study - the Ottoman Empire - a Read-Aloud Play
Lisa Adeli
July 2023
1. Assignment Description %28for teachers%29_17.pdf
2. Script_1.pdf
3b. Images_1.pdf
Questions on the Play_0.pdf
High School (9-12)
Geography, History, Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math
Ottoman Empire/Turkey
Contributions of Islamic Civilization
Saviz Safizadeh
July 2023
Contributions of the Islamic Civilization_1.pdf
Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
General Middle East
Course Plan for English with Emphasis on the Middle East
Homeira Foth
July 2023
Course plan for English 1 at Chabot Community College.pdf
Literature, Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
General Middle East
Create a Government for Iraq: American Government Problem-Based Learning
David Rubin
July 2023
Creating a Govenrment for Iraq_0.pdf
High School (9-12)
Current Events/Politics
Cross-Cultural Contact: Influences on Architecture in Morocco
Sarah LaBrec
July 2023
1. Cultural Contact lesson plan.pdf
2a. Powerpoint 1.pdf
2b. Powerpoint 2.pdf
2c. Powerpoint 3.pdf
2d. Powerpoint 4.pdf
Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Geography, Culture and Gender
Cross-Cultural Exchange on the Trans-Saharan Trade Routes: A Cooperative Group-Work Mini-Unit
Anna Martin
July 2023
1. Cooperative Groupwork Unit_2.pdf
2. Individual Reports_1.pdf
Middle School (6-8)
Crusade Perspectives
Maria Clymer
July 2023
1. Crusade Perspective Lesson Plan_0.pdf
2. Crusade Perspectives_0.pdf
3. Crusade Sources_0.pdf
Middle School (6-8)
General Middle East
Crusades: Crisis in the Holy Land
Melissa Taylor
July 2023
Lesson Plan_1.docx
High School (9-12)
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions), Israel/Palestine
Cultural Comparisons: Central Asia and Hispanic Countries
Edgar Mauricio Vargas Blanco
July 2023
Cultural Comparisons - Central Asia and Hispanic Countries by Vargas.pdf
Culture and Gender
Central Asia
Cultural Diffusion: The Impact of the Middle East on the Balkans Powerpoint
Lisa Adeli
July 2023
PowerPoint slides_0.pdf
High School (9-12), College/Adult
Culture and Gender
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions), Balkans
Culture versus Capitalism in Rural Morocco
Elorie Bechtel
July 2023
1. title and description_1.pdf
2. lesson plan_0.pdf
3. PowerPoint_2.pdf
4. Handouts_1.pdf
5. Appendix_1.pdf
High School (9-12), College/Adult
Cyprus and "The Other"
Kristina Burbank and Lynn Galvin
July 2023
1. Title Page_6.pdf
2. Lesson Directions_1.pdf
3. Teacher Notes_1.pdf
4.Pre%26post Test_1.pdf
5. Pre%26Post-Test - Key_1.pdf
6. Map - Eastern Hemisphere_1.pdf
7. Article_1.pdf
8. Worksheet_1.pdf
9. Worksheet - Key_1.pdf
10. World Wall List_1.pdf
11. Map - Green Line_1.pdf
12. Where in the World Is Cyprus_1.pdf
High School (9-12)
Geography, History
Cyprus: An Interdisciplinary Lesson Plan
Julie Nedved and Jenn Muniz
July 2023
An Interdisciplinary Cyprus Lesson Plan_0.pdf
Research Paper Topic Selection Goals and Objectives-1_0.pdf
Research Grid_0.pdf
Cyprus Research Paper Scoring Guide_0.pdf
Cyprus Research paper Rubric_0.pdf
Middle School (6-8)
Geography, History, Research/Writing
Dates: Delicatessen, Daily Foodstuff or Something More Essential?
David Cedor
July 2023
Dates lesson_1.pdf
Elementary (K-5), Middle School (6-8)
Geography, Literature
Oman/Indian Ocean
Day in the Life of an Iranian Child
Shauna Little
July 2023
Iran Lesson Plan Teacher Instructions_0.pdf
LC2 Drawing_0.pdf
LC4 Persian Writing_0.pdf
Middle East Outline Map_0.pdf
Powerpoint Script_0.pdf
Elementary (K-5)
Culture and Gender
Demystifying the Middle East - course modules
Kinneret Alexander
July 2023
NEH modules.pdf
Literature, Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
General Middle East
Diasporas: The Great Geographic Dislocations of History
Barbara Williams
July 2023
1.lesson plan - Geography - diasporas_2.pdf
2. Powerpoint for Teachers_1.pdf
3. Case study - Greek Turkish Population Exchange_1.pdf
4.Student example - The Irish Diaspora_1.pdf
5. Student exapmle - Hungarian Diaspora of 1956_1.pdf
High School (9-12)
Geography, History, Research/Writing
General Middle East, Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions), Ottoman Empire/Turkey
Digital Detectives: Recreating Medieval Baghdad Using Primary Sources and Open Source 3D Printing Software
Joshua Dempsey
July 2023
1. Lesson Plan_17.pdf
2. Student Handouts.pdf
Middle School (6-8)
General Middle East, Iraq
Digital Humanities Poetry/Photo Assignment
Stephanie Curran
July 2023
Digital Humanities Poetry.pdf
Literature, Culture and Gender
General Middle East
Disease and Public Health in the Ottoman Empire - DBQ
Lisa Adeli
July 2023
Questions - writing prompts%2C discussion questions.pdf
H%26T 1. geography and health.pdf
H%26T 2. hospitals.pdf
H%26T 3. access to care.pdf
H%26T 4. treatments.pdf
H%26T 5. music therapy.pdf
H%26T 6. preventing smallpox.pdf
D%26R 1. trade routes.pdf
D%26R 2. government response.pdf
D%26R 3. cholera%2C pilgrimage.pdf
D%26R 4. quarantines.pdf
D%26R 5. cholera cartoons.pdf
D%26R 6. ethnic cleansing Circassians.pdf
D%26R 7. Red Crescent.pdf
War 1. Balkan Wars cholera.pdf
War 2. WWI overview.pdf
War 3. Armenian genocide.pdf
War 4. hospitals and supplies.pdf
War 5. diary of Ihsan Turjman.pdf
War 6. POW camps.pdf
High School (9-12), College/Adult
Geography, History, Research/Writing, Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math
Ottoman Empire/Turkey
Diversity of Food in Spanish
Jessamyn Snider
July 2023
1a. Diversity of food in Spanish unit_0.pdf
1b. comida_0.pdf
2. mapa de comida_0.pdf
3. list of nahuatlismos_0.pdf
4. sort arabic nahuatl food_0.pdf
5. sort arabic nahuatl food image_0.pdf
6a. comida template english_0.pdf
6b. comida template_0.pdf
7. palabras extranjeras grouping_0.pdf
8. criteria para comida_0.pdf
9. rubric for food_0.pdf
10. palabras extranjeras.pdf
11. quick info mexico.pdf
12. quick info spain.pdf
Foreign Language
General Middle East
Diversity of Food in Spanish - Intro to Spanish
Jessamyn Snider
July 2023
1a. Diversity of food in Spanish unit.pdf
1b. comida.pdf
2. mapa de comida.pdf
3. list of nahuatlismos.pdf
4. sort arabic nahuatl food.pdf
5. sort arabic nahuatl food image.pdf
6a. comida template english.pdf
6b. comida template.pdf
7. palabras extranjeras grouping.pdf
8. criteria para comida.pdf
9. rubric for food.pdf
High School (9-12), College/Adult
Culture and Gender
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions)
Dubai Mall, Sharia Law, and Social Norms
Thomas Kenning
July 2023
1. Lesson Plan_8.pdf
2. Photos_0.pdf
High School (9-12)
Geography, Culture and Gender
Arabian Peninsula
Egypt Research Essay: Egyptian History Meets the Modern World
Daniella Garran
July 2023
Egypt research essay - lesson plan.pdf
Middle School (6-8)
Elements of General Chemistry (with Middle East historical/cultural content)
Amir Meraban
July 2023
Elements of General Chemistry.pdf
Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math
General Middle East
Ellipses and the UAE Space Program
Stephanie Morgan
July 2023
UAE Ellipses Lesson.pdf
High School (9-12)
Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math
Arabian Peninsula
Examining Modern Morocco Through Murals and Migration
Tara Ann Carter
July 2023
lesson plan_2.pdf
Lessson plan power point.pdf
Book - The Trip from Hope%2B Lalami.pdf
The Trip_Character Chart.pdf
High School (9-12)
Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
Examining the Influence of the U.S. Constitution on the Iraqi Constitution Ratified in 2005
Barbara Hall
July 2023
1. Lesson Plan_11.pdf
2. Attachment 1_1.pdf
3. Attachment 2_1.pdf
4. Attachment 3_1.pdf
5. Attachment 3 Key_1.pdf
Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12)
Current Events/Politics
Examples from Bosnia for English Classes
Athena Kalia
July 2023
1. Humor and satire.pdf
2. Danger of a Single Story.pdf
3. One Topic%2C Two Mediums.pdf
4. Point of View.pdf
High School (9-12)
Explorations in Central Asia
Lisa Adeli
July 2023
1a. lesson plan.pdf
1b. Assignment %28teachers%27 explanation%29 and list of topics.pdf
2a. Powerpoint.pdf
2b. Questions.pdf
2c. map.pdf
3a. Project Guidelines for Students.pdf
3b. Judging sheet - presentation.pdf
4a. Turkic Cultures.pdf
4b. Different Groups.pdf
4c. Silk Road.pdf
4d. Soviet Union.pdf
4e. Post-Soviet Politics.pdf
4f. Music-Dance.pdf
4g. Fine Arts-Traditional Crafts.pdf
4h. Religions.pdf
4i. Adaptations to the Environment.pdf
4j. Nature.pdf
4k. Science-Technology.pdf
4l. Food.pdf
4m. Architecture.pdf
4n. Education.pdf
High School (9-12)
Geography, History
Central Asia
Exploring Stereotypes through Literature and Poetry
Tim Flanagan
July 2023
ExploringStereotypesthroughLiteratureandPoetry %281%29_1.pdf
Middle School (6-8)
General Middle East
Florentine and Ottoman Women of the 14th – 16th Centuries: A Comparative Curriculum Unit
Louise Forsyth
July 2023
Florentine and Ottoman Women of the 14th-16th Centuries%2C A Comparative Curriculum_0.pdf
High School (9-12), College/Adult
History, Culture and Gender
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions), Ottoman Empire/Turkey
Geography of Great Empires: Holy Roman and Ottoman
Barbara Williams
July 2023
Geography of Great Empires_2.pdf
High School (9-12)
Geography, History
Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions), Ottoman Empire/Turkey
Ghazals FHGPA Jordan
Kathleen Shull
July 2023
Ghazals Shull FHGPA Jordan.pdf
Shull What is a Ghazal Intro history example poems K Shull.pdf
Jordan , General Middle East
High School (9-12)
Jordan , General Middle East
Culture and Gender, Art and Music
Globalization - Case Study Oman
Nicole Means
July 2023
1. lesson plan - Globalization Case Study Oman.pdf
2. powerpoint - multiculturalism in the Indian Ocean.pdf
3. photo analysis activity.pdf
High School (9-12)
Geography, History
Oman/Indian Ocean
Good Morning! A Jordanian Breakfast Webquest: Exploring Culture Through Breakfast Foods
Sandra Makielski
July 2023
1. Lesson Plan_14.pdf
2. Student Handout.pdf
Middle School (6-8)
Geography, Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math, Culture and Gender
Great Silk Road: A Group Exploration Through Research and Craft
Virginia Pfau Thompson
July 2023
Silk Road Ceramics Class Project Plan.pdf
Art and Music
Central Asia