Cultural Diffusion: The Impact of the Middle East on the Balkans Powerpoint Lisa Adeli Bibliography_1.pdf PowerPoint slides_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Culture and Gender Subject Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions), Balkans
Day in the Life of an Iranian Child Shauna Little Iran Lesson Plan Teacher Instructions_0.pdf LC2 Drawing_0.pdf LC4 Persian Writing_0.pdf Middle East Outline Map_0.pdf Powerpoint Script_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level Elementary (K-5) Region Culture and Gender Subject Iran
Introduction to Islam Roxanne Taylor and Jayme Taylor Roxanne Taylor - lesson plan_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12) Region Culture and Gender Subject Religions
Iran, Iraq - What's the Difference? Lisa Adeli 1. overview of the lesson_1.pdf 2. country 1 slides_0.pdf 3. country 2 slides_0.pdf 4a. Powerpoint - main presentation_0.pdf 4b. Notes - main presentation_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Culture and Gender Subject General Middle East, Iran, Iraq
Islam Dara Weller Islam_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12) Region Culture and Gender Subject Religions
Islam Fact and Fiction: Overcoming Stereotypes Saviz Safizadeh lesson - Islam-Fact and Fiction_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12) Region Culture and Gender Subject Religions
Lesson on Islam Pren Woods lesson islam.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level Middle School (6-8) Region Culture and Gender Subject Religions
Quran Powerpoint Max McCulley Quran - Max McCulley_1.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Culture and Gender Subject Religions
Ramadan: A Muslim Holiday Lisa Adeli 1. Overview for teachers_3.pdf 2. Fact Sheet - Ramadan.pdf 3. Notes on Pictures_1.pdf 4. PowerPoint presentation_1.pdf 5. Activities_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level Elementary (K-5) Region Culture and Gender Subject Religions, General Middle East
Sharing Jerusalem's Landmarks David Cedor Sharing Jerusalem%27s Landmarks_1.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12) Region Culture and Gender Subject Israel/Palestine