Call for Applications: International Studies Partnership Program
Deadline to apply: April 1, 2024
Application instructions: Complete the application form ( and attach required documents to apply for an ISPP Fellowship.
For more information, contact Abby Limmer, (CMES), or Kate Mackay, (CERCLL) with questions.

This fellowship program, through the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) and the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy (CERCLL), supports selected faculty from community colleges in Arizona to work collaboratively with colleagues at the University of Arizona main campus, on projects aimed to internationalize community college course curricula with Middle Eastern content or to upgrade foreign language learning in any foreign language.
Faculty from Arizona Western College, Cochise College, Diné College (lower division courses), Maricopa County Community Colleges, Pima Community College, San Carlos Apache College, and Tohono O’odham College are invited to apply.
We welcome applications from a variety of fields, including humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Fellows will receive a $500 stipend per semester and UArizona library privileges.
Depending upon the project scope and topic, you may apply for up to two semesters. Applications are currently being accepted for Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or both semesters.
Working in collaboration with University of Arizona colleagues and utilizing UA resources, fellows will do one of two types of projects: CMES projects or CERCLL projects. We recommend that applicants consult with their department heads at an early stage of project development to ensure that the proposed unit/class can be taught. We welcome applications for in-person, online, and hybrid classes.
- The CMES option is to create, redesign, or expand a course unit or syllabus to include substantial Middle Eastern-North African (MENA) studies content. For the purposes of this project, the MENA region is defined as: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the Palestinian Territories, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Fellows may also include Spain, southeast Europe, parts of Africa, South Asia, the former Soviet Union, and other areas with reference to their connections to Middle Eastern history and culture.
- [Note: Projects may focus on more than one world area as long as one area is the Middle East, and applicants whose projects include Latin America or East Asia may apply separately to the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) or the Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) for a semester or more of ISPP funding.]
- The CERCLL option is to create, redesign, or expand a course unit or syllabus in a foreign language class, ideally a Less Commonly Taught Language, although others will be considered as well. The course or unit should be expanded with multi-literacies content, inclusive L2 pedagogies, or intercultural perspectives.
During the fellowship term, each fellow will be paired with a UA faculty colleague with expertise relating to the subject of the proposed project. Fellows are expected to communicate – by email, Zoom, phone, or in-person – with their UA colleague at least three times during the semester. We recommend meeting at the outset of the project, midway through the semester, and when the project has been fully developed.
Fellows are expected to create their fellowship project, to allow publication of their project, with attribution, on the Community College Curriculum Internationalization website, and to teach the unit/course. After teaching the unit/course, fellows are invited to provide updates to the project as posted on the website as appropriate. Fellows are also strongly encouraged to participate in at least one CMES/CLAS/CEAS/CERCLL workshop.
Fellows will receive a stipend of $500 per semester, as well as access to UA and CMES library resources. The Stipend will be paid when the final version of the curriculum development project is received by CMES or CERCLL The fellowship term may last for one or two semesters. Individual project length may vary depending on project scope and topic. If you apply for two semesters, you should describe how you would modify two different major units or courses or develop a new course.
Past Calls for Proposals
- Date: January 19-20, 2024
- Location: The University of Arizona
- Field(s): All
- Deadline for proposals: October 29, 2023 at 11:59 pm
The University of Arizona's U.S. Department of Education Title VI Centers — Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS), Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL), Center for Latin America Studies (CLAS) and Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) — are pleased to announce the call for proposals for our eighth annual Globalizing the Community College Curricula Conference. This year's conference's theme, "Embracing Counternarratives for Global Learning," will explore the transformative power of counternarratives in promoting the global learning characteristic of inclusive and culturally diverse community college curricula. We invite educators, scholars, researchers, administrators and practitioners from across the country to join your colleagues as we share personal successes and challenges, explore innovative ideas, and showcase best practices.
Theme and Focus Areas
A counternarrative is a response or alternative perspective that challenges or opposes a dominant or mainstream narrative. It provides a different interpretation of events, ideas, or cultural norms, often aiming to shed light on perspectives, experiences, or historical facts that might have been marginalized or overlooked by the dominant narrative.
Counternarratives can serve various purposes, such as highlighting marginalized voices, exposing hidden truths, critiquing existing power structures, or promoting social change. They are commonly employed in social, political, and cultural contexts to offer a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of complex issues. Consequently, counternarratives can play a significant role in shaping public discourse, challenging established norms, and encouraging critical thinking about prevailing narratives.
The conference theme, "Embracing Counternarratives for Global Learning," recognizes the impact of counternarratives as a tool to create greater space for a more inclusive and critical understanding of international perspectives within community college curricula.
We invite proposals that explore various aspects of counternarratives and the ways in which you have employed counternarratives to internationalize your instruction. Possible focus areas include, but are not limited to:
- Pedagogical approaches to incorporating counternarratives in the classroom
- Case studies on counternarratives in international studies and global education
- Intersectionality and counternarratives in curricular design
- Using counternarratives to address power dynamics, privilege, and oppression
- Integrating counternarratives in language and cultural studies
- Counternarratives and the decolonization of knowledge in higher education
- Innovative methodologies and technologies for teaching counternarratives
- Assessing the impact and effectiveness of counternarratives in college curricula
- Strategies for fostering dialogue, empathy, and critical thinking through counternarratives
- Counternarratives and global citizenship education
Proposal Submission Guidelines
We welcome proposals for individual presentations. The online submission form requires:
- Title of the proposed paper
- Presenter(s) name, affiliation, and contact information
- Proposal (maximum 300 words) providing an overview of your proposed session, uploaded as an attachment to the application as a PDF or Word document
- Abstract (maximum 50 words) providing a summary of your session for use in the program
All proposals must be submitted by October 29, 2023. Notifications for accepted proposals will be sent by November 17, 2023.
Proposals can be submitted through the following Google Form:
Conference Information
Detailed information about the conference registration will be provided in the upcoming conference announcements. Full conference information can be found at
This conference will be meeting in-person with limited funding available for out-of-town presenters’ accommodations.
We look forward to your valuable contributions to the Conference on Embracing Counternarratives for Global Learning. Together, let us explore innovative approaches and inspire one another to create more inclusive, diverse, and globally-engaged college curricula.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at
We seek proposals for 15-20 minute presentations from community college educators in all fields to facilitate practical, engaging discussions about projects you have developed to internationalize your instruction through the topic of food and cuisine. This conference will be meeting in-person. Some funding will be available for out-of-town presenters' lodging and 3 meals will be included as well. The proposal deadline is November, 28th, 2022.
Facilitated by UArizona Title VI Center for Latin American Studies, Center for East Asian Studies and Center for Middle Eastern Studies, this conference is created by and for community college educators.
How to Apply
To apply, please read and complete the Call for Proposals form.
University of Arizona Center for Middle Eastern Studies
845 N. Park Avenue Marshall Bldg Room 470
United States
See map: Google Maps
January 20-22, 2023
January 29-January 30 2021 (virtual conference)
Call for Proposals
Facilitated by UArizona Title VI Centers for Middle Eastern and Latin American Studies, this virtual conference is created by and for community college educators.
We are seeking proposals from community college educators in humanities/social sciences and STEM fields nation-wide to facilitate practical, engaging workshops about projects you have developed to globalize your instruction.
A VIRTUAL Educators’ Workshop: “Globalizing the Community College Curriculum” - by community college educators, for community college educators
This event is also co-sponsored by the Center for Educational Resources, Culture, Language and Literacy.
Dates/times: Friday, January 29 - Saturday, January 30, 2021
Location: Virtual
Cost: None. (Note: Registrants who attend the introductory session and at least 3 panels will be given the chance to apply for classroom project grants of up to $400 related to globalizing their classroom!)
1:00-1:45 pm Mountain Time (3:00-3:45 EST): Introduction.
2:00-3:30 pm Mountain Time (4:00-5:30 EST): Panel 1: "Project-Based Learning"
- "Millennials and Gen-Z's Meet in the Humanities: Community College Students in the U.S. Meet Their Counterparts in the Arts in MENA" - Stephanie Curran, Fredirick Community College, Frederick, MD
- "Run for Mayor of a Global City!" - Megan Klein, Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, IL
- "Writing across Cultures in an Arabic Calligraphy Lesson" - Rudy Navarro, Phoenix College, Phoenix, AZ
10:00–11:30 am Mountain Time (12:00-1:30 pm EST): Panel #2: "Writing Across the Curriculum"
- "Globalizing the Curriculum at the Community College: A Multidimensional Effort" - Dr. Ricardo Castro-Salazar, Former Vice President of International Development, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ
- "'Seeing' the Diversity of the American-Muslim Experience: Deconstruting Stereotypes and Building Intercultural Awareness in an English Composition Course" - Mickey Marsee, Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Chandler, AZ
- "Two Years Follow Up: Afghan Women's Resistance Poetry as High Impact Practice at MCCCD." - Miguel Fernandez, Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Chandler, AZ
12:00–1:30 pm Mountain Time (2:00-3:30 pm EST): Panel #3: "Virtual Exchange Programs"
- "The Unanticipated Silver Lining of Social Distancing: International Team Teaching in Times of Covid" - Jessamyn Snider, Cochise College, Sierra Vista, AZ, and Ernesto Carmona Gomez, Centrol Universitario Incarnate Word and Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
- "Virtual Exchange Program with Brazil" - Kristal Natera, University of Arizona (graduate student), Tucson, AZ
- "Building an International Collaborative Partnership: Curriculum and Pedagogy between Pakistan and the United States" - Robert Soza, Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ
2:00-3:30 pm Mountain Time (4:00-5:30 pm EST): Panel #4: "Intersecting STEM and Social Sciences"
- "Geo-Literacy Amid Globalizing College Classrooms" - Barbara Crain, Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale, VA
- "Deconstructing the Dinner Plate to Reveal a Global Palate" - Monica Ketchum, Arizona Western College, Yuma AZ
- "Internationalizing Introductory Biology: Biological Warfare in the Aztec Empire" - Ilse Kremer, Paradise Valley Community College, Paradise Valley, AZ
Seminar: June 8-22, 2019
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Application Deadline: February 18, 2019
More Info:
CAORC is pleased to be partnering with the American Institute of Pakistan Studies<> (AIPS) on an upcoming faculty development seminar in Lahore, Pakistan. To support community colleges and minority-serving institutions, CAORC offers innovative programming that helps faculty and administrators gain the requisite first-hand experience needed to develop and improve international curricula.
- Fulbright-Hays curriculum development program to Morocco (May 31-June 29, 2019). (Deadline to apply: Dec. 2, 2018.)
- National Endowment for the Humanities summer institute for college/university educators (August 4-10, 2019) (Deadline to apply: Mar. 1, 2019.)