100 Years in Mesopotamia: A Century of Conflict in Iraq, 1914-2014 Jeremy Reinholt 100 Years in Mesopotamia_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Iraq Subject Geography, History, Current Events/Politics
Architecture of Islamic Spain - Spanish 102 Unit Jessamyn Snider 1a. architecture unit.pdf 1b. arquitectura.pdf 2a. review of arabic influence.pdf 2b. repaso de la influencia del a%CC%81rabe.pdf 3. Comprehension Questions for Cities of Light.pdf 4a. list of buildings for teachers.pdf 4b. lista de edificios para maestros.pdf 4c. lista de edificios for students.pdf 5a. architecture template english.pdf 5b. arquitectura template.pdf 6a. rubric for presentation.pdf 6b. criteria para presentacio%CC%81n.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Morocco Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions) Subject Culture and Gender, Art and Music Geography, History
Linguistic Influences on Spanish Jessamyn Snider 1a. unit plan influences on Spanish - English_0.pdf 1b. unit plan influences on Spanish - Spanish_0.pdf 2a. Arabic influences on Spanish - English_0.pdf 2b. Arabic influences on Spanish - Spanish_0.pdf 3a. Nahuatl influences on Spanish - English_0.pdf 3b. Nahuatl influences on Spanish - Spanish_0.pdf 4. sort arabic nahuatl_0.pdf 5. conclusions.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions) Subject Culture and Gender, Foreign Language
Disease and Public Health in the Ottoman Empire - DBQ Lisa Adeli Questions - writing prompts%2C discussion questions.pdf H%26T 1. geography and health.pdf H%26T 2. hospitals.pdf H%26T 3. access to care.pdf H%26T 4. treatments.pdf H%26T 5. music therapy.pdf H%26T 6. preventing smallpox.pdf D%26R 1. trade routes.pdf D%26R 2. government response.pdf D%26R 3. cholera%2C pilgrimage.pdf D%26R 4. quarantines.pdf D%26R 5. cholera cartoons.pdf D%26R 6. ethnic cleansing Circassians.pdf D%26R 7. Red Crescent.pdf War 1. Balkan Wars cholera.pdf War 2. WWI overview.pdf War 3. Armenian genocide.pdf War 4. hospitals and supplies.pdf War 5. diary of Ihsan Turjman.pdf War 6. POW camps.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Ottoman Empire/Turkey, Balkans Subject Geography, History, Research/Writing, Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math
American Women Writers of Muslim Heritage: An educational resource presenting texts and voices influenced by the Muslim World Betsey Coleman American Women Writers of Muslim Heritage.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region General Middle East Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions) Subject Geography, Literature, Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
Diversity of Food in Spanish - Intro to Spanish Jessamyn Snider 1a. Diversity of food in Spanish unit.pdf 1b. comida.pdf 2. mapa de comida.pdf 3. list of nahuatlismos.pdf 4. sort arabic nahuatl food.pdf 5. sort arabic nahuatl food image.pdf 6a. comida template english.pdf 6b. comida template.pdf 7. palabras extranjeras grouping.pdf 8. criteria para comida.pdf 9. rubric for food.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions) Subject Culture and Gender, Foreign Language
World War I in the Middle East - DBQ and Mini-Qs Lisa Adeli 1. Writing prompts and extension activities.pdf 2. Document analysis sheet.pdf 3. Documents on civilians.pdf 4. Documents on soldiers_0.pdf 5. documents on disease.pdf 6. Optional overview of WWI in the Mid East.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region General Middle East, Ottoman Empire/Turkey Subject Geography, History, Research/Writing
How History Shaped Literature and Literature Changed History: Serbs and the 1389 Battle of Kosovo Lisa Adeli 1. Title Page_4.pdf 2. Assignment Description %28for teachers%29_2.pdf 3. Assignment Sheet %28for students%29_1.pdf 4. Who Are We_1.pdf 5. Heroes of Serbia_0.pdf 6. Questions and Answers_1.pdf 7. Background - Sarajevo 1914_1.pdf 8. Background - Kosovo 1990s_1.pdf 9. List of Scenarios.doc 10. Suggested Websites_2.pdf 11. Task Sheet.doc Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Balkans Subject Geography, History, Literature
Introduction to Moroccan Storytelling and Culture (for French classes) Jessica Setzer Setzer Morocco lesson plan_0.pdf Introduction to Morocco %28in French%29_0.pdf Keeping Storytelling Alive_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Morocco Subject Geography, Culture and Gender, Foreign Language
Uprooted: How Exile, Community, and Trauma Shape Cultural Identity (Palestinian and Native American perspectives) Amy Perkins Uprooted - reduced size.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Comparative or Connective (Middle East to Other Regions), Israel/Palestine Subject Geography, History, Literature