Postwar Reconstruction: What Happens AFTER the Conflict Ends? Lisa Adeli 1. Assignment Description %28for teachers%29_18.pdf 2. Elements of Postwar Recons._1.pdf a. Security_3.pdf b. Humanitarian Relief_3.pdf c. Governance_3.pdf d. Infrastructure_3.pdf e. Economy_3.pdf f. Social and Cultural Institutions_3.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Iraq, Afghanistan Subject Current Events/Politics
Region by Any Other Name Janet Hall Lesson Plan_4.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region General Middle East Subject Geography
Teach Ottoman Empire Abbey R. McNair 1. Lesson plan_2.pdf 2. PowerPoint - Day 1.pdf 3. PowerPoint - Day 2.pdf 4. PowerPoint - Other Days.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Ottoman Empire/Turkey, Balkans Subject Geography, History
This I Believe -The Politics of Identity and the Headscarf in Modern Turkey Wendy Youngblood 1. Lesson Plan_3.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Religions, Ottoman Empire/Turkey Subject Geography, Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
Use of Symbols in Egyptian Religion: Ancient, Coptic Christianity, and Islam Sharlyn Scott 1. Lesson plan - Use of Symbols_0.pdf 2a. History of Religion - Lecture Notes_0.pdf 2b. History of Religion - Student Guide_0.pdf 2c. History of Religion - powerpoint_0.pdf 3a. Symbols in Egyptian Religion - powerpoint_0.pdf 3b. Symbolism Essentials_0.pdf 4a. Student Project Worksheets_0.pdf 4b. Student Project images_0.pdf 4c. Image Guide for Teachers_0.pdf 5. Information on Symbols in Egyptian Religion_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Egypt Subject History, Art and Music
War and Remembrance Lisa Adeli 1. Assignment Description %28for teachers%29_14.pdf 2a. Presentation notes_0.pdf 2b. powerpoint slides of memorials_0.pdf 3. Wars in the Modern Middle East_2.pdf 4. Research Guide_1.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Armenia Subject History, Art and Music
What Is Going on Here? An Inquiry Lesson in Current Events in the Muslim World Caryn W. Stedman Lesson plan and handouts_1.pdf PowerPoint_1.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region General Middle East Subject Geography, Research/Writing
Arts and Culture of the Berber Tribes of Morocco and the Sahara Lorna Holmes 1. Berbers Unit-Lesson Plan.pdf 2. The Culture and Arts of Morocco and the Berbers_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Morocco Subject Geography, Culture and Gender, Art and Music
Kurds: A People without a Country Lisa Adeli 1. Assignment Description %28for teachers%29_9.pdf 2. The Kurds_0.pdf 3a. Presentation notes_0.pdf 3b. Presentation on Kurds_0.pdf 4. Topics for Research_0.pdf 5. Research Guide_0.pdf 6. Pros and Cons sheet_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region General Middle East Subject Geography, History, Current Events/Politics
Islamic Women Chris O'Brien 1. Islamic Women_0.pdf 2. Islamic Women_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12), College/Adult Region Religions, General Middle East Subject Geography, History, Culture and Gender