The TCAB program is a unique opportunity for 20 teachers from the United States and 20 teachers from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to engage in international dialogue and virtual exchange.
In fall 2024, selected teachers will engage in synchronous and asynchronous sessions to discuss topics related to education and culture in their respective countries, as well as strategies to include this information in the classroom.
In spring 2025, participating teachers will conduct a virtual exchange project in small groups between their students and report on their exchange experience at the end of the program.
How to Apply
- Read the full program description.
- Complete the application form.
When you apply, please consider that you are being evaluated on your statements. Give some thought to the content, and consider all parts of each question. If you are applying from the Middle East or North Africa, consider that we are using your application answers to assess whether or not your English, as well as your educational interests, are appropriate for the program. If you do not write at least a few sentences, your chances of being admitted are much lower. Deadline to apply: June 10, 2024 at 11:59PM Arizona MST.
Eligibility Requirements
- This program is open to all currently practicing educators at the primary and secondary levels in the United States, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, West Bank and Gaza (Palestine) and Yemen.
- Teachers must be actively teaching in the classroom in the 2024-2025 school year.
- Participating educators will receive a certificate of completion for the program and up to 30 professional development hours of continuing education credit.
More Information
If you have any questions about your eligibility, please contact Abby Limmer - alimmer@arizona.edu or Alaa Hammouda - alaah@email.unc.edu.
Program Requirements
- Participants are expected to engage fully in all aspects of the program:
- participating verbally and/or in writing in all meetings
- sharing in group work
- creating, implementing, and reporting on a classroom project in spring 2024
- Participants are expected to attend all synchronous meetings and post online for asynchronous ones. Live sessions will take place on Sundays, 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. Eastern Time (US). In case of emergency, accommodations can be arranged.
- Participants are expected to treat each other with respect and open-mindedness.
Program Goals
- to increase teachers' understanding of different cultures
- to bring teachers from different countries and cultures together in shared conversations about topics of mutual interest
- to help educators globalize their classrooms and help their students to become more knowledgeable about the world
Professional Development Benefits
- personal: increasing your global understanding
- professional: increasing your connection with other teachers around the world
- professional: receipt of a certificate of participation (professional development credit) upon completion of the program
- teaching: globalizing your classroom instruction
A Note on the Organization of the Program:
This program seeks a diverse pool of applicants. People of all racial/ethnic backgrounds, religions, and genders are invited to participate.
Who Is Organizing the Program:
The program is a joint effort of the North Carolina Consortium for Middle Eastern Studies and the University of Arizona Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Both are Title VI, US Department of Education-endorsed National Resource Centers on the Middle East.