Kazakh Music Cara Schreffler Kazakh Music-Kozimnin Karasireducedsize.pdf Kozimnin Karasi - Full Scorereducedsize.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12) Region Central Asia Subject Geography, Culture and Gender, Art and Music
Migrations across Morocco - HS Lisa Adeli 1. Assignment Description %28for teachers%29_21.pdf 2a. Questions - Overview and Map Exercise.pdf 2b. map - Mediterranean world.pdf 2c. map - Africa.PDF 3-A1. Muslim take-over of Spain.pdf 3-A2. Spain and the Muslim World.pdf 3-A3. Islamic Spain and Western Europe.pdf 3-B1. Expulsion of Muslims from Spain.pdf 3-B2. Expulsion of Jews from Spain.pdf 3-B3. Barbary Coast Pirates_0.pdf 3-C1. Portuguese in Morocco_0.pdf 3-C2. Spanish in Morocco_0.pdf 3-C3. French in Morocco_0.pdf 3-D1. Moroccan Soldiers in WWI_0.pdf 3-D2. Axis and Allied Troops in Morocco_0.pdf 3-D3. Moroccan Independence_0.pdf 3-E1. Jews Leave for Israel_0.pdf 3-E2. Moroccans Leave for Europe_0.pdf 3-E3. Sub-Saharan Africans Crossing Morocco_0.pdf 4. Group Discussion Guidelines_0.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12) Region Morocco Subject Geography, History
Examining Modern Morocco Through Murals and Migration Tara Ann Carter lesson plan_2.pdf Lessson plan power point.pdf Book - The Trip from Hope%2B Lalami.pdf The Trip_Character Chart.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12) Region Morocco Subject Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
Kite Runner, Culture, and U.N. Goals Emily Robinson lesson plan intro.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12) Region Afghanistan Subject Geography, Literature, Current Events/Politics, Culture and Gender
Jordan - Sustainable Development Goals Dina DiSantis Lesson Plan .pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12) Region Jordan Subject Current Events/Politics, Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math, Economics
AP Human Geography: Case Studies - Morocco Lindy Grosvenor Lesson plan 1 maps.pdf Lessson plan 2 Population and migration patterns.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12) Region Morocco Subject Geography, Current Events/Politics
Jews on the Move: Migration of Moroccan Jews Teresa Seabolt 1. Jews on the Move Migration of Moroccan Jews.pdf 2. Powerpoint.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12) Region Morocco Subject Geography, History, Culture and Gender, Foreign Language
Ceuta & Melilla: An African Gateway to Europe - AP Human Geography Sara Damon 1. Ceuta and Melilla An African Gateway to Europe_0.pdf 2. lesson plan website.pdf 3. predictions worksheet.pdf 4. venn diagram.pdf 5. WhatsApp assignment.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12) Region Morocco Subject Geography
Nabataeans, Petra, and Global Trade Networks Kelsey Hudson Lesson Plan_8.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12) Region Jordan Subject Geography, History, Economics
Al Tawhid and Muslim Environmentalism Renee Johnson Islam3.pdf Thu, 07/06/2023 - 12:00 Grade Level High School (9-12) Region General Middle East Subject Science (including Environment and Disease) and Math Current Events/Politics