K-12 Educator Workshop: Drawn and Quartered

Using Comics and Graphics to Teach about the Middle East and North Africa

Event Flyer for K-12 Teacher Workshop


4:30 – 6:30 p.m., Oct. 25, 2023

This workshop will explore a variety of sequential art from the 20th and 21st centuries. Working with publications produced for anglophone audiences or translated into English, this workshop will offer examples including newspaper comics, superhero “floppies,” and graphic novels, memoir, and history, which introduce elements of Middle Eastern and North African history and/ or culture to audiences. The purpose of this workshop is to offer suggestions and to open a discussion on how to use these works in K-12 settings. To register, use QR code in flyer or click here.  

Participants who attend the complete workshop will receive a certificate for 2 hours of Professional Development. 
