Eva-Maria Maggi Limited Term Adjunct Instructor (Non-Tenure Eligible) she, her, hers evamaggi@arizona.edu
Scott Lucas Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Tenured) Associate Professor, Roshan Persian and Iranian Studies - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible) 520-626-9562 sclucas@arizona.edu
Margaret Livingston Professor, Landscape Architecture (Tenured) Adjunct Assistant Professor, Renewable Natural Resources (Non-Tenure Eligible) Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible) 520-621-5359 mlivings@arizona.edu
Paulette Kurzer Professor, School of Government and Public Policy (Tenured) 520-621-1726 kurzer@arizona.edu
Tamar Kugler Associate Professor, Management/Organizations (Tenured) Associate Professor, Cognitive Science - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible) Associate Professor, Psychology (Non-Tenure Eligible) she, her, hers 520-621-7788 tkugler@eller.arizona.edu
Marwan Krunz Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Tenured) Regents Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible) Professor, Computer Science (Non-Tenure Eligible) Endowed Professor, Kenneth VonBehren (Non-Tenure Eligible) 520-621-8731 krunz@ece.arizona.edu
Deborah Kaye Senior Lecturer, Judaic Studies (Career Track) Senior Lecturer, French and Italian (Non-Tenure Eligible) 520-626-5758 deborahk@arizona.edu
Simin Karimi Professor, Linguistics (Tenured) Associate Research Social Scientist Professor, Near Eastern Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible) Professor, Cognitive Science - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible) Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible) 520-621-5399 karimi@arizona.edu
R. Brooks Jeffery (retired) Professor Emeritus Associate - Lecturer, Architecture 520-621-2991 rbjeffer@arizona.edu
Barbara Hutchinson (retired) Librarian Emerita Associate - Communications Specialist 520-909-4722 barbarah@ag.arizona.edu