Faisal Chaudhry Assistant Professor of Law & History, School of Law, University of Dayton fchaudhry1@udayton.edu
Naomi Caffee ssistant Professor of Russian, Russian Department, Division of Literature and Languages Reed College caffee@reed.edu
Patricia Bigwood ociology Instructor, Cochise College MES ISPP Fellow (Fall 2016 and Spring 2018) (520) 417-4012 bigwoodp@cochise.edu
Golsheed Bagheri Instructor, Department of History, Pima Community College CMES ISPP Fellow (2021-2022) 520-621-5450 gbagheri1@pima.edu
Souad Ali Associate Professor of Arabic Literature & Middle East/Islamic Studies, School of International Letters and Cultures, Head of Classics and Middle East Studies, Director of Arabic Studies, ASU (480) 965-4586 Souad.Ali@asu.edu
Madelaine Adelman Associate Professor, Justice and Social Inquiry, School of Social Transformation, ASU (480) 965-4886 mad@asu.edu