

Amy W. Newhall

Former MESA Executive Director
Retired Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies

Souad Ali

Associate Professor of Arabic Literature & Middle East/Islamic Studies, School of International Letters and Cultures,
Head of Classics and Middle East Studies, Director of Arabic Studies, ASU

Mahmoud Azaz

Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies and CMES Director
Headshot of Mahmoud Azaz

Mahmoud Azaz

Director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies
University of Arizona Distinguished Fellow
Professor, Arabic Language, Linguistics, & Pedagogy
Anne Betteridge Photo

Anne Betteridge

Professor of Middle Eastern and North African Studies
Former Director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies
President of the American Institute of Iranian Studies, 2020-2022

Samira Farwaneh

Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies
Associate Professor, Linguistics
Associate Professor, Second Language Acquisition/Teaching Grad I
Associate Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP

Iman A. Hakim

Dean, Public Health
Director, Global Health Institute
Professor, Public Health (Tenured)
Research Professor, Family and Community Medicine (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Adjunct Professor, Nutritional Sciences (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Endowed Chair, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Leila Hudson

Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Tenured)
Associate Professor, Anthropology (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Associate Professor, Roshan Persian and Iranian Studies - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Simin Karimi

Professor, Linguistics (Tenured)
Associate Research Social Scientist
Professor, Near Eastern Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, Cognitive Science - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Marwan Krunz

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Tenured)
Regents Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, Computer Science (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Endowed Professor, Kenneth VonBehren (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Sharon Megdal

Director, Water Resources Research Center
Endowed Professor, C W/Modene Neely (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Specialist, Environmental Science (Continuing)
Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible) Agricultural-Resource Economics, Environmental Science, School of Geography and Development, Public Administration and Policy, Public Health, James E Rogers College of Law, Judaic Studies
Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible) Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP, Planning,
Distinguished Outreach Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Member of the Graduate Faculty (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Barbara Mills

Professor, Anthropology (Tenured)
Regents Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, American Indian Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, American Indian Studies-GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Curator, Archaeology
she, her, hers

Gary P. Nabhan

Research Social Scientist (Continuing)
Research Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Assistant Professor, School of Geography and Development (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Adjunct Professor, School of Natural Resources and the Environment (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Thomas Park

Professor, Anthropology (Tenured)
Associate Research Anthropologist
Associate Professor, Near Eastern Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Associate Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Brian Silverstein

Associate Professor, Anthropology (Tenured)
Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Associate Professor, Social / Cultural / Critical Theory - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Donald Slack 

Emeritus Professor of Biosystems Engineering
Professor of Watershed Management
Professor of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics
Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences Graduate Interdisciplinary Program
Dean's Chair for Excellence, Cecil Miller Families

David Soren

Professor, Anthropology (Tenured)
Adjunct Professor, Art (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Regents Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, Religious Studies / Classics (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, Applied Intercultural Arts Research - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Adam Ussishkin

Professor, Linguistics (Tenured)
Professor, Cognitive Science - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)
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Robert Varady

Research Professor, Environmental Policy (Continuing)
Adjunct Professor, Hydrology and Water Resources (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Adjunct Research Professor, Natural Resources and the Environment (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Victoria Vicente

Outreach Consultant, CMES
Secondary Education Social Studies Teacher, AP World History, Rio Grande High School, Albuquerque, NM

Andrew Wedel

Professor, Linguistics (Tenured)
Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, Cognitive Science - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)