Annual Photo Exhibit

For the past thirty-three years, the UA Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) has organized and hosted an annual photography exhibit featuring images from the Middle East and North Africa taken by CMES friends, faculty, students, colleagues, local community members, and citizens of the world. Selected photos are enlarged, mounted, and displayed in the Center and remain on display throughout the year.

Current photo call: The 2024 Center for Middle Eastern Studies Photography call is "Light and Darkness"  

For the 33rd annual exhibit "Light and Darkness," CMES seeks images that reflect patterns of light and darkness in the region.  For example, celebration lights and moments of lightness at a family event could be photos one submits. The “Light and Darkness” exhibit is open to a wide variety of photogenic themes and subjects: people, celebrations, nature, animals and wildlife, the natural environment, art and architecture, and all creative expressions that you might consider. Things that inspire an awe in the inquisitive spirit!

Submission Guidelines

  1. All submissions must be made digitally.
  2. All entries must include this completed submission form.
  3. The submission limit is ten (10) images (digital files*) per person.
  4. We encourage submissions photographed with the consent of their subjects.

The deadline to submit photos is Tuesday, December 10, 2024.

Photo Submission form