Benjamin C. Fortna
Head and Professor, School of Middle Eastern & North African Studies
David J. Dunford
Ambassador (Retired)
Amy W. Newhall
Former MESA Executive Director
Retired Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies
Mahmoud Azaz
Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies and CMES Director
Anne Betteridge
Professor of Middle Eastern and North African Studies
Former Director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies
President of the American Institute of Iranian Studies, 2020-2022
Hassan Hijazi
Senior Director, Middle East and North African Affairs, UA Global
Michael M. Brewer
Senior Information Resources Officer, UA Libraries
Sharon Megdal
Director, Water Resources Research Center
Endowed Professor, C W/Modene Neely (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Specialist, Environmental Science (Continuing)
Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible) Agricultural-Resource Economics, Environmental Science, School of Geography and Development, Public Administration and Policy, Public Health, James E Rogers College of Law, Judaic Studies
Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible) Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP, Planning,
Distinguished Outreach Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Member of the Graduate Faculty (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Atifa Rawan
(retired) Librarian Emerita
Associate - Visiting Scholar
Gabriel Sandoval
Graduate Student Representative, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies
Maggy Zanger
Associate - Adjunct Instructor
Adjunct Instructor, Journalism (Non-Tenure Eligible)
(retired) Professor of Practice Emerita