Affiliated Faculty (UA)

Brian Silverstein

Associate Professor, Anthropology (Tenured)
Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Associate Professor, Social / Cultural / Critical Theory - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Donald Slack 

Emeritus Professor of Biosystems Engineering
Professor of Watershed Management
Professor of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Mechanics
Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences Graduate Interdisciplinary Program
Dean's Chair for Excellence, Cecil Miller Families

David Soren

Professor, Anthropology (Tenured)
Adjunct Professor, Art (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Regents Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, Religious Studies / Classics (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Professor, Applied Intercultural Arts Research - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Kamran Talattof

Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Tenured)
Elahe Omidyar Mir-Djalali Chair, Persian and Iranian Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)
Chair, Roshan Persian and Iranian Studies - GIDP